月桂R. 戴维斯-德拉诺|十大赌博靠谱信誉网站-十大赌博信誉的平台

月桂R. Davis-Delano

月桂R. Davis-Delano




  • Doctor of Philosophy, University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa, 1992
  • Master of Arts, University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa, 1987
  • Bachelor of Science, 十大赌博靠谱信誉网站, 斯普林菲尔德, Mass., 1984
  • 种族、性别和性取向
  • 不平等与媒体
  • White American beliefs, practices, and representations associated with Native Americans
  • 社会学概论
  • 社会问题
  • 种族及民族关系
  • 贫穷与财富:社会中的阶级
  • 媒体与社会
  • Massachusetts Mascot Coalition Steering Committee Member
  • Reviewed more than 100 submissions to academic journals, 1992-present.
  • Organized sessions at academic conferences, 1992-present.
  • Organized Scholars of Stereotypes of Native Americans in Sport to sign a legal brief, 2016.
  • Co-authored resolution passed by the American Sociological Association calling for elimination of Native American mascots, 2007.
  • Campus Service Includes: Curriculum Committees, Diversity Committees, Racial & Ethnic Issues Working Group, and Safe Zone Committee.

Selected Works


  • Davis-Delano L. R.加里希尔,R. V.基恩,A. J.斯莫尔-罗德里格斯,D., & 走了,我. P. (2023). White American Historical Memory and Support for Native Appropriation. Paper presented at the meeting of the American Sociological Association. 费城,宾夕法尼亚州.
  • Davis-Delano L.R.加里希尔,R. V., & 走了,我. P. (2022年8月). Absence Makes the Heart Grow Colder: The Harmful Nature of Invisibility of Contemporary American Indians. Paper presented at the meeting of the American Sociological Association. 洛杉矶,加州.
  • Davis-Delano L.R.走了,J. P., & 斯特罗瑟,年代. (2021). White Pleasure and Native Struggle: Conveyance and Interpretation of Native American Identity. Paper presented at the (online) meeting of the American Sociological Association.
  • Davis-Delano L. R.麦克拉伦,V., & 福尔松的J. J. (2020). 过去的人? 当代印第安人的隐蔽性. Paper presented at the meeting of the Eastern Sociological Society, 费城,宾夕法尼亚州
  • 伊森,. E.L .戴维斯-德拉诺. R., & Fryberg,年代. A. (2018年8月). The Role of Nationalism and Masculine Ideology in Support for Symbolism Harmful to Native Americans. Paper presented at the conference for the American Sociological Association, 费城,宾夕法尼亚州.
  • Davis-Delano L. R., & 摩根,E. M. (2015年8月). 探讨异性恋标记的性别差异. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association. 芝加哥,.
  • Davis-Delano L. R., & 波洛克,. (2008年11月). Apologetic behavior among female athletes: A new questionnaire and initial results. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the North American Society for the Sociology of Sport meeting, 丹佛, CO.
  • Davis-Delano L. R., & Crosset T. (2008年8月). Using social movement theory to study outcomes in sport-related social movements. Presented at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association, Boston, MA.
  • 戴维斯,我. R. (2001年8月). Racial diversity in higher education: The connection to climate and competence. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society for the Study of 社会问题, Anaheim, CA.
  • Davis-Delano L. R., & 摩根,E. M. 3月(2016).  Bisexuality obscured: Dichotomous and antonymous cultural conceptions of sexual orientation revealed and reinforced by heterosexual marking. Paper presented at the conference of the Eastern Sociological Society, Boston, MA.


  • Davis-Delano L. R.加里希尔,R. V., & 走了,我. P. (2024). Absence makes the heart grow colder: The harmful nature of invisibility of contemporary American Indians. 种族及民族研究. 高级在线出版物. 
  • Davis-Delano L. R.加里希尔,R. V.基恩,A. J.斯莫尔-罗德里格斯,D., & 走了,我. P. (2023). White American historical memory and support for Native appropriation. 种族和社会问题. 提前在线出版. 
  • Davis-Delano L. R.摩根,E. M.马里兰州梅罗拉市. M.詹姆斯·D., & 黄平君T. H. (2023). An exploration of positive stereotypes: Legitimating the system and naïve challenges to it. 社会学调查. 提前在线出版. 
  • Davis-Delano L. R.加里希尔,R. V., & 走了,我. P. (2023) The same old story: Cultivation of the warrior stereotype of American Indians. 国际传播杂志, 17, 4645-4666. 
  • 基恩,. J.斯莫尔-罗德里格斯,D., & Davis-Delano L. R. (2023). 本土的声音. 民族及种族研究. 提前在线出版.
  • Davis-Delano L. R.加里希尔,R. V., & 走了,我. P. (2022). Native appropriation in sport: Cultivating Bias Toward American Indians. 种族和社会问题. 提前在线出版.
  • Davis-Delano L. R.斯特罗瑟,S. L., & 走了,我. P. (2022). Perceived indicators of American Indian identity in everyday interaction: Navigating settler-colonial erasure. 民族及种族研究. 高级在线出版, 45(11), 2025-2048.
  • Davis-Delano L. R.斯特罗瑟,S. L., & 走了,我. P. (2021). Native American identity work in settler colonial context. 国际跨文化关系杂志, 85, 227–235.
  • Davis-Delano L. R.福尔松,J. J.麦克劳林,V.答:A. E., & Fryberg,年代. A. (2021),美国印第安人的代表.S. 文化? 遗漏和委托的案例. 社会科学杂志. 高级在线出版.
  • Davis-Delano L. R.加里希尔,R. V.卡尔森,K. M.答:A. E., & Fryberg,年代. A. (2020). White opposition to Native nation sovereignty: The role of “the casino Indian” stereotype and presence of Native nation gaming. 杜波依斯评论, 17(1), 55-80.
  • Davis-Delano L. R.库钦卡,S. L.Bosson, J. K., & 摩根,E. M. (2020). Heterosexual people’s reactions to same-sex romantic or sexual overtures: The role of attitudes about sexual orientation and gender. 性行为档案, 49(7), 2561-2573. 
  • Davis-Delano L. R.走了,J. P., & Fryberg,年代. A. (2020). The psychosocial effects of Native American mascots: A comprehensive review of empirical research findings. 种族、民族和教育, 23, 613-633.
  • Davis-Delano L. R.摩根,E. M.吉拉德,A., & 戴维斯,C. V. (2018). When heterosexuality is questioned: Stifling suspicion through public displays of heterosexual identity. 同性恋杂志, 65(13), 1683-1708.
  • Davis-Delano L. R., & 摩根,E. M. (2016). Heterosexual identity management: How social context affects heterosexual marking practices. Identity: An International Journal of Theory and Research, 16(4), 299-318.
  • 摩根,E. M., & Davis-Delano L. R. (2016). How public displays of heterosexual identity reflect and reinforce gender stereotypes, 性别差异, 性别不平等. 性别角色:研究杂志, 75(5), 257-271.
  • 摩根,E. M., & Davis-Delano L. R. (2016). Heterosexual marking and binary cultural conceptions of sexual orientation. 双性恋杂志, 16(2), 125-143.
  • Davis-Delano L. R., & 吉拉德,. (2015). Summer camp as context for girls’ and women’s same-sex attractions and relationships. 休闲/ Loisir, 39(1), 1-36.
  • Davis-Delano L. R. (2014). Characteristics of activities that affect the development of women’s same-sex relationships, 同性恋杂志, 61(10), 1355-1377.
  • Davis-Delano L. R.波洛克,A., & 沃斯J. (2009). Apologetic behavior among female athletes: A new questionnaire and initial results, 体育社会学国际评论, 44(2-3), 131-150.
  • Davis-Delano L. R., & Crosset T. (2008). Using social movement theory to study outcomes in sport-related social movements. I国际体育社会学评论, 43(2), 115-134.
  • Davis-Delano L. R. (2007). Eliminating Native American mascots: Ingredients for success. 体育杂志 & 社会问题, 31(4), 340-373.
  • 戴维斯,我. R. (2002). Racial diversity in higher education: Ingredients for success and failure. 应用行为科学杂志, 38(2), 137-155.
  • 戴维斯,我. R. (2002). 美洲原住民吉祥物的问题. 多元文化教育, 9(4), 11-15.
  • 戴维斯,我. R., & 啊,哈里斯. (1998). 美国的种族和民族.S. 体育媒体. 在L. A. 温纳(Ed.)、mediassport(第6页). 154-169),纽约,纽约:劳特利奇出版社.
  • 戴维斯,我. R. (1997). The swimsuit issue and sport: Hegemonic masculinity in “Sports Illustrated.奥尔巴尼,纽约州:纽约州立大学出版社.
  • 戴维斯,我. R. (1993). Protest against the use of Native American mascots: A challenge to traditional American identity.  体育与社会问题杂志, 17(1), 9-22.
  • 戴维斯,我. R. (1990). 男性啦啦队员和性别归化. 在米. A. Messner和D. Sabo (Eds.),体育,男性和性别秩序(第394页). 153-161),伊利诺斯州香槟:人体动力学.
  • 戴维斯,我. R. (1990). Racism and the articulation of difference: White preoccupation with the question of racially-linked genetic differences among athletes. 体育社会学, 7(2), 179-187.